Rate Increases
February 04, 2025
You may have noticed that your January statement was a little higher than last month. Rates increased by 75 cents per 1000 gallons with the January meter readings. We strive to deliver an unparalleled level of service, and while we make every effort to do this without adjusting rates, we unfortunately are not immune to changing economic conditions. We only increase rates to keep pace with the increase in the costs to provide service. For the average residential customer, this is an increase of about $2.25 per month. The monthly minimum will go from $21.75 to $22.50.
We have also been notified by Certified Payments, our online payment processor, that they will have a rate increase effective March 1, 2025. The minimum service fee for card transactions will be adjusted from $1.00 to $2.00. The convenience fee will remain at 2.4% with the new minimum of $2.00. The convenience fee for e-checks will remain at $1.00.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions.